ΔzXeBbNh{wwm@OΣ΄m Tatsuhito Sanka,bs
Profile of Tatsuhito Sanka
Tatsuhito Sanka
* Born in 1953
* Obtained teaching licenses of Social studies for high school (first-class) and junior high school (second-class) at School of Law, Faculty of Law, Asia University.
* Graduated from Asia University.
* Transferred to School of Economy, Nihon University and took a teaching license of business studies for high schools (first-class).
* Took a Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition at American Holistic college of Nutrition.
* Director of Tsukij Futaba clinic (Association of healthcare corporation, Hikobaekai)
Tsukiji Futaba clinic(Association of healthcare corporation, Hikobaekai)
* Internal medicine, Allergy medicine, Psychosomatic medicine
* Various insurances coverage for treatments.
Web site of Tsukiji Futabaclininc
6F Hosokawa Tsukiji Building
1-9-9 Tukiji
Chuo-ku Tokyo
Post Code: 104-0045
Tel: 03-6226-5812
Fax: 03-6226-5813